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Step into who you truly are, lose the regrets, and finally get your shit together.


I can help.


Hi. I'm Shanna.



This is my story...

Living "the dream" left me feeling discontent; constantly thinking there must be something more or something I must be missing.

In my mid-thirties I was childfree by choice, but struggling with my screaming biological clock. I had no idea where I fit in. Certainly not with the moms and quickly out-growing the party scene; I was totally floundering...disappearing...and feeling more and more anxiety.

What was I doing wrong?

How did I even end up here?

More importantly, how could I get out of it?

I felt left out of some big secret and I was lonely. Add to the list aging and ill parents, sputtering hormones, and a lack of interest in my career, I knew something had to give. I wish I could say here that I had a special awakening or a once-in-a-lifetime inspirational moment but the reality was this:

I had an argument with my husband.

I was miserable and trying to blame my misery on everyone and everything around me.

If wasn't complaining about my friends to my husband or my husband to my friends, I was complaining about how much I hated my job.

In this particular instance I was blaming him and our party lifestyle...after ranting and crying about how unhappy I was, and the things I must be missing in my life, he said something in response that hit me instantly.

I ended up hiring a coach within a month of this conversation.

He said something like...

If you don't like your life, why don't you change it?!

...don't blame me.

It was absolutely true, I was the only one responsible for the state of my life. I'd been complaining incessantly for months, maybe years. The common denominator here was me.

Fuck. Now what?

I still wanted to run away from my life and start over.

I needed help. I resonated with a coach who talked about putting ourselves first to level up our lives and learning to do what we want, unapologetically. Of course, I hired her.

Now I would like to say my life changed over night and in some ways it did, but mostly, I had a lot of work ahead of me.


This is the work we will do together. We will look at how you are thinking and what you are creating in your life. We will upgrade things and rearrange things, and create a life that is true for you. We will remove the "others" we try to please from our heads and we will learn to please ourselves.

This is not selfish, it's self-esteem.

What are you waiting for?

Let's get started.

More About Me

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